Frequently Asked Questions

A New Version of Application Cannot be Downloaded at this time ?
Last Updated 8 years ago

If you are getting message "A New Version of Application Cannot be Downloaded at this time". Then please do the following steps to resolve this problem.

STEP - 1: Click on the "Start" menu.

STEP - 2: Then type "RUN"

STEP - 3: In run type " \\icampus "

STEP - 4: Computer will prompt iCampus server UserName and Password.

STEP - 5: Enter the iCampus user name and password (If you are not an IT Administrator please contact school IT)

STEP - 6: Then once you can successfully access "icampus Updates" folder close iCampus iBOS application and start it again

STEP - 7: iCampus-iBOS will prompt and update message. Please update the system and enter your correct credentials. If still you are facing any problem please contact interconnect support team.

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